Cybersecurity remains in the headlines of the daily news cycle thanks in large part to data breaches. Companies of all sizes (financial institutions, healthcare organizations, educational institutions, manufacturers) need to be aware of the potential risks that come with our progressively expanding digital environment and their current landscape and system limitations. One of the best ways to protect against a cyberattack or cyber threat is by providing cybersecurity awareness training to employees and staff. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of proper cybersecurity awareness training and what proper cybersecurity training incorporates.

As a leading provider of phishing simulation resources and broader cybersecurity training, we believe in emphasizing the importance and impact of cybersecurity awareness training.

Preventing a cyberattack may be near impossible, but making it as difficult as possible decreases your organization’s risk and potential exposure. That’s why our holistic cybersecurity awareness training ecosystem includes simulated phishing attacks, cybersecurity awareness training, and powerful reporting metrics.

With a host of tools at your disposal, you’ll be better prepared to defend your organization with measurable success and demonstrable ROI.

At the core of our cybersecurity awareness training is our phishing simulator. Regularly testing employees and staff with realistic phishing simulations and additional phishing training content pushes your organization toward a more secure future. So just how beneficial and crucial is phishing simulation to cybersecurity?

Phishing attacks are one of the most common cyber threats. A successful phishing attack can be devastating for businesses. With regular, realistic, simulated phishing tests, companies can prepare their employees for real-world attacks. Learning to recognize even the most intricate signs of a phishing email and avoiding them reduces the risk of a phishing attack. This training approach can be especially beneficial for financial institutions, where sensitive financial information is often at risk.

Another important benefit of cybersecurity awareness training, with phishing simulation as the main focus, is it can help companies comply with regulations and industry standards. For example, healthcare organizations are required to comply with HIPAA regulations, which include provisions for protecting patient information. Cybersecurity awareness training can help employees understand the importance of protecting patient information and comply with HIPAA regulations. Educational institutions may need to comply with FERPA regulations, which protect student information. Cybersecurity awareness training can help employees understand these regulations and comply with them.

Beyond mere compliance, cybersecurity awareness training can also help companies save money in the long run by avoiding a human element error. Cyberattacks can be expensive, and the costs can add up quickly. By providing cybersecurity awareness training, companies can reduce the risk of a data breach and save money in the long run.

Measuring the success of a cybersecurity awareness training program can be difficult to pinpoint. Companies can identify areas for improvement based on a risk analysis assessment and implement changes accordingly to address the most glaring needs. For example, if a particular department is consistently falling for phishing attacks, additional training may be necessary for that particular department. With accurate reporting and data, these metrics can also help companies demonstrate the ROI of cybersecurity awareness training to stakeholders and executives.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, there are many other reasons why cybersecurity awareness training is important. Creating a culture focused on cybersecurity within your organization can yield indirect benefits and a better understanding of the business. When employees understand the importance of cybersecurity, they are more likely to take it seriously and make it a priority. This can help overall security posture and generate a better approach to the business’ objectives.

Overall, cybersecurity awareness training is crucial for companies of all sizes. Phishing training and phishing testing are the most crucial components of a solid cybersecurity plan. By simulating phishing attacks and providing training to employees, companies can reduce the risk of cyberattacks and save money in the long run. Additionally, by accurately measuring the success of cybersecurity awareness training, companies can identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes. Cybersecurity is more important than ever before. Companies prioritizing cybersecurity awareness training are more likely to be successful in mitigating cyberattacks and remain secure.